How electricity grids are being prepared for a climate-neutral future

Our energy system is in transition. Network planning and electricity distribution grids will face a whole new set of challenges in the future. The final report of the Future Energy Lab project, Data4Grid, shows how data analyses and artificial intelligence can be of help here.

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direct account

What exactly is CCS?

Even with the best technology, some CO2 emissions will be hard to abate or unavoidable. Using CCS, carbon capture and storage, these emissions could, however, be stored underground for thousands of years. Read on to take a trip to depths of up to 3,000 metres.

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Report: electricity supply also secured for the coming years

The report on the security of the electricity supply submitted by the Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency) at the start of February envisages the security of supply remaining high until 2031. The report refers to the Federal Government’s current plans.

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Dr. Robert Habeck, Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Quote of the week

“We have made the situation on the energy markets manageable through decisive action in the past year. Germany has shown what it is capable of. The Länder helped with energy conservation, and also in the continued expansion of renewable energy.”

Federal Minister Robert Habeck on the acceleration of the expansion of renewables

direct reports

  • One billion for forward-looking technologies in the deep tech field (in German only)

    The Deep Tech & Climate Fund (DTCF) is a new fund which is investing in the growth of companies that are creating forward-looking technologies, and is helping to develop the technology ecosystem of the future. To this end, the DTCF will invest up to a billion euros in the coming year and thus develop the new technology-based SMEs of tomorrow.

  • Climate-neutral electricity system platform launched (in German only)

    The electricity system will radically change in the coming years. As part of the platform, businesses, the scientific community and civil society will discuss how the electricity market can be made fit for the future, to become a system that is largely based on renewable energy.

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