International businesses – a part of the Energy Transition in Germany

"International businesses are highly interested in playing an active part in the Energy Transition in Germany," says Thomas Grigoleit, Head of division at Germany Trade & Invest. The foreign trade and inward investment agency of the Federal Republic of Germany campaigns internationally to promote investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and the transformation of the energy supply system.

"Germany's Renewable Energy Revolution" - © Germany Trade & Invest

People and businesses have been investing in solar, wind and bioenergy since the 1990s: as a result, more than 1.5 million renewable energy installations have been set up in Germany. That is a world record. The re-shaping of our energy infrastructure is set to continue for years to come – and harbours potential for investment from home and abroad.

The Energy Transition is by now being seen worldwide as both a challenge and an opportunity. The experts of the energy team at Germany Trade & Invest, the foreign trade and inward investment agency of the Federal Republic of Germany, experience this first-hand: they regularly travel to conferences and exhibitions around the world to inform potential investors about the market and investment opportunities generated by the Energy Transition. "International businesses are highly interested in playing an active part in the Energy Transition in Germany," says Thomas Grigoleit, Head of the Energy, Environment and Resources Division at Germany Trade & Invest. "We are handling numerous investment projects by foreign companies in the fields of energy generation and integration of renewable energy resources." Recently, the team has been receiving enquiries especially on the topics of energy storage and smart grid technologies. In the context of energy efficiency, too, there is enormous investment potential especially in the areas of "energy efficiency in buildings" and "energy efficiency in industrial processes." Here, too, Germany Trade & Invest accompanies international businesses in establishing a foothold in Germany.

New video shows Germany's road to the future
In its latest video "Germany's Renewable Energy Revolution," Germany Trade & Invest tells about the potentials that can be tapped by harnessing renewable energy resources and applying intelligent, energy-saving system solutions in Germany and also spells out its own offer. "We help businesses from abroad to become part of the Energy Transition in Germany. We have all the key answers needed to invest in Germany and to enter the market successfully," says Grigoleit. These are questions such as: Where is the right location for us in Germany? What is the tax and legal framework? How big is the sales market? And which research partners can I find here?

In addition to attracting investors, Germany Trade & Invest's remit also includes marketing Germany abroad as a business location and assisting German businesses with information on foreign business topics. The company is backed up by an international network with over 50 locations.